A: We strive for customer satisfaction, so if you encounter any issues with the quality or compatibility of the images you've purchased, please reach out to our support team. They will assist you in resolving the problem and, if necessary, provide a refund or a suitable replacement. All the Subscription Packs mentioned in the Pricing Plan come with a 100% Money Back Guarantee. The refund will only be processed if you have not downloaded even a single image/video during the Subscription period.
A: Yes. Stock photos are copyrighted, meaning someone owns them. In order to use them legally, you need permission. Such permission is known as a license, a contract that authorizes you or someone else to use the image in certain ways. That documentation should be in place.
A: Our images are licensed under various licenses, including standard licenses and extended licenses. Standard licenses cover most common uses, while extended licenses provide additional usage rights, such as using images on merchandise for resale. Please review the licensing terms for each image to ensure compliance. You can check our Pricing Plans and decide for yourself which pack to buy.
A: Yes, you have the flexibility to modify stock images to suit your creative vision and project requirements. You can resize, crop, add text, overlay graphics, or make other alterations as needed. However, it's important to note that certain restrictions may apply depending on the specific license agreement.
A: Absolutely! Our stock images are specifically designed for commercial use. Whether you need visuals for marketing campaigns, product packaging, or any other commercial application, our images are ready to serve your business needs.
A: Yes, all our stock images are available under royalty-free licenses. This means that once you purchase a license, you can use the image multiple times without any additional fees, subject to the terms and conditions of the license agreement. The downloaded images can be used anytime over a lifetime.
A: Our platform provides an intuitive search feature that allows you to enter keywords related to the image you're looking for. You can also utilize filters such as orientation, colour, style, and subject matter to refine your search and find the perfect image for your project.
A: The stock image library of NU STOCK consists of high-quality, carefully curated visuals that are sourced from talented photographers and artists around the world. We focus on offering unique and diverse content to cater to a variety of creative needs.
A: Stock images can be used in a wide range of applications, including websites, social media posts, blogs, presentations, brochures, advertisements, and more. You can incorporate them into your creative projects to enhance the visual appeal and effectively convey your message through https://nustockimages.com/.